

发布时间: 2024-05-16 12:57:22北京青年报社官方账号





Armstrong was one of the three astronauts on the Apollo 11 mission and one of the two who landed on the moon on July 20, 1969. The quote he made on landing on the moon -- "That's one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind" -- has become a legend.


Around the world, hundreds of thousands of protestors walked out of their schools and workplaces to call for climate action. The Global Climate Strike is a rare event that united young people and old, tech and blue-collar workers, and the full spectrum of cultures, from wealthy developed nations to small agriculture-based countries.


As China moves to make its trillion domestic bond market more global, it has stepped up efforts to open up its bond market - the world's third largest - to foreign investors in an effort to promote international use of the RMB.


As Herbold notes, Amazon’s growth has “turbo-boosted” the Seattle economy, and today The Seattle Times reported that Amazon has turned Seattle into the nation’s biggest “company town.”?Amazon employs more than 40,000 people in Washington state, many in high-paying tech jobs. But with that growth have come problems — traffic, rising housing costs, homelessness — and Amazon often gets the blame for these issues.


Apple, Facebook, and Twitter all moderately scaled back their M&A activity. In the last five years, Apple has made 44 acquisitions — a small number compared to Google’s 113 over that same period. However, its acquisitions have been some of the most varied, with deals in a variety of sectors including?LearnSprout?(education technology),?Mapsense?(location services),?Emotient?(facial tracking), and?PrimeSense?(semiconductors). In 2015, Apple dropped down from 12 to 11 acquisitions, and has shown?decreases in M&As in each of the past three years.


